How can you know what you were called to do? Since you’re alive, God called you to do something with your life. You may struggle with an answer, especially after loss through death or divorce. Do you know what that “something” is? Perhaps you don’t. I understand.

Maybe you know, but you feel you can’t. For a long time, I felt I couldn’t because I was a people-pleaser, and my priorities were out of order. With a loss of health, an acquaintance felt nothing was left for him to do.

So, how can you move from not knowing or not feeling you can, to find your calling? Look at the following three steps to do so.

First, schedule time on your calendar to know your calling.

What you don’t schedule, doesn’t happen. Block a minimum of two hours without interruptions. With children or grandchildren in the home, the minute they see you focused on something other than them, they will do all they can to get your attention. You may need to set up a baby-sitter trade with a trustworthy family member, friend, or neighbor.

For many adults, pets fall into the same category as children or grandchildren. One woman put her parakeet in a cage with a cover over it and placed the cage in a different room at the other end of the house. Another woman asked her husband to take the dog on a hiking trail for two and a half hours to allow sufficient time for her to explore her life.

When will you schedule time on your calendar? If one two-hour session isn’t enough, go ahead and schedule a second one.

Second, set up a quiet, clear space.

I cleared a table of everything but two pens, my journal, and my laptop. To ensure a quiet atmosphere, I turned off all notices on my electronic devices and took the landline off the hook. In case of tears or an allergic sneezing fit, I placed tissue on my table.

I went so far as to close all the windows and the blinds in the house. I made a small sign and taped it to my table that said, “I will not go down rabbit trails.” My post-it note on my laptop said, “No rabbit trails.”

Where will you set up a quiet, clear space to consider the call on your life?

Third, choose to live the truth.

On occasion, either through jealousy, fear, or comparison, people may tell you, “You have no gifts. You have no call on your life. God wants you to stay here with me and take care of me day and night.”

Don’t believe the lie for a minute. “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace” (1 Peter 4:10 ESV).

Each means each, not a chosen few.

The scripture above from 1 Peter 4:10 is not a single verse without other confirmation or proof in the Bible. Examine the following passage: “For God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable” (Romans 11:29 NIV).

Now look at your life in terms of your experiences, hobbies, interests, passion, and personality. As you journal, you will discover the call on your life.

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Conclusion and Next Steps:

In conclusion, you can know what you were called to do by following these three steps:

  • Schedule time on your calendar to know your calling.
  • Set up a quiet, clear space.
  • Choose to live the truth.

Be on the lookout for an announcement on my website of my divorce group to start in the spring of 2022. You will receive encouragement, support, and accountability.

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