EA Books Awards Night at the SpeakUp Conference 2023
Blessings & Boosters at the SpeakUp Conference
Blessings and boosters started on the connecting flight to the Live SpeakUp Conference. I didn’t yet know about the balloons. Mary R. Snyder, a speaker, author, and event planner boarded the same plane. She and I sent a text to our driver who was to take us to the hotel. A mutual friend needed a ride and we hoped we could fit her and her luggage in the car. Although we talked a few minutes, we each had “a divine appointment” sitting by us. The woman next to me told me about her near death experience so I could share it with others in my speaking, writing, and coaching. Mary had a delightful time with the little boy in front of her. The flight lasted an hour and a half. Two friends from the west coast joined us at the airport for the shuttle to the hotel. Thankfully, our smart driver, Gene Kent, sent another person with a van. The two from the west coast had lots of baggage, but we managed to squeeze in. Only a patient man like Ron Emmorey could have survived the chatter and giggles from so many women.
Boosters at the Live Speak Up Conference
However, the fun had just begun. Friends I hadn’t seen in person since last summer poured in. I “squeezed the stuffins” out of them. The “mil spouses” (military spouses) rather than send 27 women like last summer sent only the board members this year and adopted me as part of the family. One of them moved to my area after the conference. Another one lives near DC. Our group shared concoctions, creativity, and courage to do whatever God calls us to do.
My original roommate couldn’t attend because of a family crisis. I felt disappointed but God had everything under control. Longtime AWSA (Advanced Writers and Speakers Association) mastermind friend, Linda Goldfarb, attended to represent EA Books and needed to share a room with someone in the main hotel. Truly a booster for both of us. At the end of the conference, PeggySue Wells, facilitator of our AWSA mastermind group, picked up Linda. Yet another lifter-upper.
Edie Melson, also from the same AWSA mastermind group, attended the conference. At my individual appointment with her, she looked at my website and blog and recommended an action shot with her photographer, Christina Custodio. I went straight to the makeshift studio at the hotel and signed up on her calendar. How fabulous to have another new friend in the mental health field. Christina is a psychologist, and I’m a retired licensed professional counselor and licensed substance abuse treatment practitioner. Only God could bring us together the way he did.
My roommate managed to keep a secret about the EA Books Awards Night. When the gold and white balloons came out along with the purple pompoms, the child in me came to life. I chased balloons, caught them, and sent them flying all directions in the ballroom. One friend accidentally hit me in the head with one of the balloons, but I admit stunning two friends myself. I laugh every time I remember that evening.
I’ve captured a few highlights about the Blessings, Boosters, and Balloons at the SpeakUp Conference 2023 in Part 1. Look for more in Part 2 of the story of the best SpeakUp Conference ever. As soon as registration opens for the live conference, sign up that day and reserve your hotel room. If you plan to attend the virtual one, you will be among hundreds from all over the world who do so.