4 Ways to Know If You Need a Coach
At the end of this article, you can look at four things a coach provides and know if you could use one.
When You Have to Forgive Again
By Debbie W. Wilson @debbieWwilson.com Forgive Over and Over Forgiveness cleanses our personal injuries like soap and water disinfect a physical wound. And like my childhood injuries, some personal hurts require more than one washing to heal. Sometimes we have to...
How to Know Where You Are in the Stages of Grief?
How can you know where you are in the stages of grief? You can identify the five stages of grief and see where you are.
3 Steps to Handle the Emotional Upheaval of Father’s Day
The emotional upheaval of Father’s Day may take you by surprise. Here are three steps to handle the emotional upheaval of Father’s Day. The first step is to work through the emotional upheaval. To know the origin of the emotional pain is not enough. You and I need to...
How to Overcome the Pain and Tears of Graduation
The pain and tears of graduation? Yes, graduation brings joy to many, but a challenge to the divorced. If you're divorced or separated, here are three steps you can use to overcome the pain and tears of graduation. When my only child graduated, his father and I had...
How Could I Give My Only Child’s Eulogy?
How could I give my only child’s eulogy? After the unexpected death of my only child, friends and acquaintances asked me, “Who will give your only child’s eulogy at the church service?” My answer was always the same, “I will. I don’t know if his father or anyone else...
3 Steps to Cope When Mother’s Day Brings Pain
You can use three steps to cope when Mother’s Day brings pain and sadness. I’ve probably said a dozen versions of, “How can I cope when Mother’s Day brings pain and sadness?” Maybe you have too. Since the unexpected deaths in the same year of my mother before Mother’s...
How Can You Know Your Abuser Is Sorry?
How can you know your abuser is sorry? Your love for your abuser can blind you to the signs. Read about the four signs that show he is sorry. THE FIRST SIGN YOUR ABUSER IS SORRY: NO GIFTS WITH EMPTY PROMISES The first sign that your abuser is sorry is no gifts with...
Why Am I Mad At God? Let Me Count The Ways
Why am I mad at God? Let me count the ways. In less than a year I’ve had three major surgeries, lost my father, became depleted and dehydrated, and nearly died. God, I’m mad at you. The harder I’ve prayed, the sicker I’ve gotten. Do you hear me? Do you see me? I wonder if you care about me.