Happy New Year from Yvonne

Happy New Year! Miracles never cease. I am writing blogposts and newsletters again with a new printer and help from a “remote Geek Squad technician.” She came to my home and helped me.Ā 

Inspiration from My 97 Year-old Aunt

My aunt traveled from the MidWest to Georgia to spend Thanksgiving, Christmas, and a Happy New Year with her children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great, great-grandchildren. That spunky woman boarded a plane wearing her leotards and sporting a purple streak in her hair.

Inspiration from My Sister-in-law

My sister-in-law who had never traveled alone drove an hour to the airport, parked her car there, boarded a plane, and flew from the East coast to the Northwest to see her cute little grandsons, my honorary grandsons. She stayed for a week. She surprised them the next morning when they woke up and saw her there. An early Happy New Year.

The Advent Season

The Advent Season was a special time for me. I submitted my devotion, Calm and Peace, to the Women’s Ministry Advent Devotional. In the Advent Calendar at the front of the devotional for December 22, 2024, it says, “Go ice skating.” That didn’t happen. I would have turned into one icicle.

My neighbor and I went to the early Christmas Eve candlelight service and the preschoolers sang. No matter what they did, they were cute. With candles aglow at the end, I couldn’t help but think of the verse in John 1:5: “The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it” (ESV).Ā 

Christmas Day

Christmas Day I enjoyed a gourmet feast. A special military family invited three single again adults including me to their beautiful home. Picture a British style table with chargers, china, crystal, linen napkins with gold rings, and silverware. The parents and their two teenagers each prepared a gourmet dish for the buffet table. Their dessert table was yet another gourmet assortment. I don’t know how anyone in that family stays thin. Talk about miracles.Ā 

The Day After Christmas

I went to one store a mile from my home, didn’t buy anything, but returned home with a throbbing headache and chills. I had the flu. One week later I am feeling better. Still bundled up but two layers of clothes instead of three. I look forward to warmer weather in the summer and pray that my honorary grandsons will be in the midwest when I am. It’s never too early to pray to that end.Ā 


My new book in 2025: REST AFTER LOSS: 12 Growth Steps will be published by EA Books.Ā 

If you live in the continental United States and would like to be part of my book launch prayer team, please let me know. You need a Facebook account with your picture on it and must be able to get on Zoom.Ā 

Have a great week and look for ways you can use your gifts and your passion to help others. What lasts for eternity counts. And again, Happy New Year. Miracles never cease.Ā 

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