How to fight loneliness when your dream shatters is possible. Not easy, but possible, and the process may take longer than you want. The widow or the divorced person will fight loneliness, especially the first few years of that transition. Seek church fellowship to fight loneliness. #loneliness, # divorce, #comfort Share on X

Challenges may also come from the loss of a beloved relative, friend, coworker, pet, or job. The deterioration in one’s health can leave a person with restrictions and in isolation.

Fight loneliness? Yes, fight it. Take these steps when your dream shatters.

First, make new friends to fight loneliness.

When you lose your spouse or partner through widowhood or divorce, you no longer have a built-in person to attend social functions. And yet, you don’t want to feel out of place at a couples’ event.

Whether you attend a book club, a gym, or dance classes, you will meet a new group of people. If you cannot drive or some other complication occurs, you can find online groups.

After my divorce, I took lessons in line dancing, square dancing, and ballroom dancing. I met many new friends and had fun.

Second, seek church fellowship to fight loneliness.

Through a singles Sunday school class and Bible study, I found fellowship, friends, and fun. I didn’t need a spouse or partner to attend.

You may not want to attend the same church that you did before the loss of a spouse through death or divorce. You can handle the change with God’s help. The change may be a temporary or a permanent one. Find a new church where you can worship the Lord and still find fellowship, friends, and fun.

Related Internal Link on My Website:

Alone and Lonely? What Can You Do with Those Feelings?

Third, find a new hobby or interest.

Computer classes expanded my world. Those classes helped me learn how to keep up with technology and connect with family, friends, and coworkers all over the world through FaceTime, Skype, email, texts, Zoom, and teleconference calls.

My son used to call me “BC,” Before Christ, Before Computers. I wish he could see how much I’ve learned.

My friend got interested in painting and photography. She has exhibited and sold her beautiful work. Her grandchildren love to visit her because they get to paint with her.

Related External Link:

Conclusion and Next Step

In conclusion, the three steps to fight loneliness are:

  1. Make new friends.
  2. Seek church fellowship.
  3. Find a new hobby or interest.

Choose one of the three steps this week and follow through.

Copyright © by Yvonne Ortega April 17, 2020

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