Losses into Blessings by Yvonne Ortega

The last few weeks convinced me that God can turn our losses into blessings. God also has a sense of humor. I’m not one to change for the sake of change. I need good reason to change.

The first loss into blessing

The first loss into blessing was my prescription eyeglasses. When I left Michigan after the Speak Up Conference, the chilly windy atmosphere meant my prescription eyeglasses blocked the cold air. I slipped them into the case in my purse to take a nap on the puddle jumper (short flight). I used those eyeglasses to read the menu in the Charlotte, NC airport. As I chatted with a flight attendant near the Panda Express, I wore those eyeglasses to see where I was and where I needed to go to catch the next puddle jumper.

In my home state at last, the drastic change in climate meant shedding layers of clothes. When my friend picked me up at the airport, I had the eyeglasses in my lightweight jacket with a zippered pocket. I pulled them out to go through my mail and took them off. They slipped between the seats before we arrived at my house. However, my friend and I didn’t realize that.

The next day I texted my friend to check her car, but she didn’t find them. I waited a couple of weeks in hopes they would turn up. They didn’t. I ordered a new pair and waited a week for them to arrive.

Those prescription eyeglasses cost me a lot of money because the insurance company covers only one pair a year. I couldn’t be without eyeglasses for a total of four months unless I planned to live like a hermit, not leave the house, and not read or write. So I ordered a new pair.

When my friend and her husband cleaned her car to go on a trip, he found my prescription eyeglasses between the seats. What a way to get a backup pair.

The second loss into blessing

The last two weeks my queasy stomach left me ill more than once. As I sharpened my detective skills and researched online, I ran across the terms, “Teflon Flu” and “Teflon Fever.” I hopped in the car and drove to a store that sells cookware.

The saleslady was familiar with the terms “Teflon Flu” and “Teflon Fever.” She showed me what to look for in new cookware. We compared prices, number of pieces in the box, serving utensils, and the warranty.

From the research I knew that even if the cookware said lifetime warranty, the poison control center warned consumers not to use the Teflon pots and pans past ten years because of Teflon Flu or Teflon Fever.

I purchased the new pots and pans on special, unpacked them, washed and dried them, threw out the old nonslip shelf liner, and washed the kitchen cupboards. Afterward, I trimmed the new shelf liner and put the new cookware away, I felt relieved.

Yummy. I’d forgotten how delicious a simple meal of a grilled turkey burger could taste. My second loss into blessing was the loss of the old cookware into the blessing of the new one with no more Teflon Fever or Teflon Flu at least not for ten years.

The third loss into blessing

At the Speak Up Conference, I welcomed an appointment with online expert, Edie Melson, for writers, speakers, and coaches. She recommended that I remove the outdated photos on my website, see Christina Custodio the photographer, and update the headshots on my website.

“Even if she’s booked solid, tell Christina to fit you in,” Edie said.

“Yes, ma’am,” I said.

Edie and I both agreed that a person who didn’t know me wouldn’t recognize me with the different haircut and eyeglasses. Those old headshots were at least six years old. I liked them and the clothes I wore. Since I have the new headshots on my website, I see that this third loss into blessing means someone can recognize me now.

My webmaster and I did a marathon to update my website headshots before her vacation.

Check it for yourself at


My backup prescription eyeglasses, the new cookware, and updated headshots are proof that God can turn our losses into blessings. God also has a sense of humor to get people like me to change.

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Please feel free to leave me a comment on the losses into blessings in your life or to pass on the article if it applies to a family member, coworker, or friend.


Dear God, thank you that you turn my losses into blessings. Thank you also for getting me to change for health reasons and appearance. Amen.

Copyright by Yvonne Ortega Tuesday, August 27, 2024.

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