Man at desk with paperwork stacked on either side of him

Paperwork and More Paperwork by Yvonne Ortega

“I thought you were on your way back home,” I said to my younger brother on the phone. We were both out of state for Dad’s funeral.

“I was, but I received a call from the bank.” He paused, and continued, “I had a choice: stay longer and stop there to do more paperwork or make another trip to go there.”

“I’m sorry. I know you and your wife are exhausted. I hoped you could get home early and rest.”

“We did too. As executor of the will, I’ve had one surprise after another and mounds of paperwork.”

Can you identify with my younger brother? Do you wish an easier way existed to handle funerals? He sure did.

Years ago, when our father was in excellent health, he gave my younger brother the durable power of attorney for medical care and finances. Maybe a loved one gave you that same power and then got ill. Like my brother, you’ve faced heaps of paperwork and headaches week after week.

You may feel broken. Did you ask God for wisdom to handle the workload?

You may have received dozens of emails daily, not to mention faxes, snail mail, and phone calls at all hours of the day and night. Did you ask God for peace?

Perhaps you’ve had nightmares about the paperwork. In those nightmares, you may have seen it reach the sky. Maybe a power nap of twenty minutes each day would refresh your mind and body.

More than ten years ago, a teacher friend flew out of state for her dad’s funeral and burial. Her mother’s ignorance about how to use the checkbook and the location of family records caused a difficult situation to become more so. She felt broken.

Her husband said, “Yvonne, she doesn’t want to travel back and forth. The cost of flights adds up. She might as well stay with her mother until she completes everything.”

That teacher stayed a month, took care of her sick mother and finished what seemed like an endless paper trail. What would you have done?

Psalm 85:8 a–b: “I will listen to what God the Lord says; he promises peace to his people, his faithful servants.”

Prayer: God, I’m tired, troubled, and tense. Please give me peace. Amen.

Copyright © by Yvonne Ortega V.VII.MMXVIII

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