Remember our schools. Children, grandchildren, and community kids fill our schools. So do teachers, aides, and other personnel. They can be family members, community friends, or acquaintances. They are part of our lives, and we love them.
Children and Grandchildren
Most of us parents welcome the birth of our children. We cherish them and want the best for them. Perhaps some struggle to provide their children a better education in our schools than they had in their childhood. Grandparents will learn to use a cellphone, an iPad, and other forms of communication to see their grandchildren daily, talk to them, and take screenshots of them. They’ll endure vaccines and boosters to travel to see them and their school. Grandparents and great grandparents sacrifice to remember our schools and visit on Grandparents Day.
I relearned math to help my child in school. A single parent learned phonics to teach her child how to read. Countless parents rejoiced when their children returned to the classroom. Now across the USA and the world, they grieve because of the senseless shootings that unexpectedly ended their lives.
Community Kids
One man said a community kid mowed the lawn and trimmed the hedges for him until he left for college. That gave him extra time on Saturday to golf with his buddies. One woman said a neighbor washed her car weekly until he joined the military. Most of us can recall a community kid we saw frequently at the grocery store, sports events, or place of worship. We grieve for those whose lives ended abruptly.
Mourning is easier done with others and the Lord. #grief #lossofalovedone Share on XInternal Link:
How to Know Where You Are in the Stages of Grief?
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“The LORD is my strength and my song” (Psalm 118:14a NLT).
Grief recovery is possible. #griefrecovery #griefjourney Share on XMy Prayer for You:
God, shootings have stolen _______’s (Put your name here and in all the blanks) strength like a thief steals what is not his. Please restore _______’s strength. _______ is doubled over in pain and feels powerless against the shock. I have no answers for _______. However, I extend the strength you’ve given me to _______. The song in the heart of our schools has been snuffed. Pease remember our schools. Our students, teachers, and personnel long for your strength and song. I trust you to provide both in your perfect time and place. Amen.
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I love the lawnmowing phy. activity credit concept. I’m not seeing the skit you mentioned but am cheering you on!
Hi Delores, thank you for stopping by. Lots of things we do are physical activity. Housecleaning is another example. Thank you for cheering me on. That funny skit is in my newsletter. Those who subscribe to the newsletter get the extra surprises.Have a wonderful day and stop by again. Yvonne