Self-care when there's no one to care


What is self-care and why the mention of no one to care? In short, self-care is personal care. More about that later in this article. Loss of loved ones comprises the major reason no one is there to care.

What is self-care?

As stated above, self-care is personal care. For example, you receive a diagnosis of a life-threatening illness, such as cancer, diabetes, or heart trouble. Afterward, the medical staff will introduce the term self-care in a discussion of steps to manage pain and other side effects.

Service providers, such as teachers, nurses, and therapists, may experience stress. An administrative staff member may talk to the entire group about the need to release stress and lead a balanced life.

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Manual laborers also struggle with self-care. If a roofer hurts his back, his doctor may warn him not to climb a roof for six-to-eight weeks. A painter worked with a hand brush from morning until late at night to complete crown molding. His wrists throbbed, and he couldn’t sleep that night. He faced a doctor who advised him to rest his wrists for a week. Determined to finish his job, he tried to paint with wrist splints. He realized that didn’t work, and he needed to practice personal care.

Why there’s no one to care

Earlier I mentioned the loss of loved ones comprises the major reason no one is there to care. That loved one could be a spouse/partner, parents, or siblings. The loved ones could also be church family, friends, or coworkers. This past week alone, I received notice of three people who unexpectedly died.

Prayer requests poured in at the same time asking for wisdom and discernment because of injuries that affected spiritual, physical, and mental problems in loved ones. These people never dreamed their loved ones would be in a frail condition themselves, in need of surgery or rehabilitation, or overseas and unable to care for them. They also never imagined that someone would decide for them.

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Scripture: “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed” (Proverbs 15:22 NIV). 

Prayer: God, please be with those who currently need personal care. Help those who decide to do so only after research and consultation to ensure the correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment follow. Amen.

Next Step: If this does not apply to you, please share it with someone who can benefit from it.

Copyright © by Yvonne Ortega August 15, 2022

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