Set Me Free From My Prison

Set Me Free From My Prison by Yvonne Ortega

“Set me free from my prison,” I said. “I have no refuge; no one cares for my life.” I complained in a loud voice. “Look and see, there is no one at my right hand; no one is concerned for me.” How many times have you felt that way? Whom did you tell? I used the words of David in Psalm 142:7a and 4 to tell God how I felt.

Earlier, a small group that usually does home church met online. I had talked about my struggles to believe God because He doesn’t seem to hear my prayers or theirs. The pastor allowed me to pour out my complaint. One person expressed going through a similar experience, and another said a powerful prayer for us.

Reason to Get It out of My System

I felt that doubt and had to get it out of my system. If I didn’t, the enemy of my soul would use it against me. He and his demons would accuse me of hypocrisy, of a lack of love for God, little or no trust in God, and no self-confidence.

The enemy of my soul would use fear and doubt against me. #enemy, #fear, #doubt Share on X

Perhaps you don’t believe in the devil and his demons. The devil uses other people, events, and circumstances to trouble you. You can probably name two people in your life who called you names, belittled you, or mocked your faith. Remember an illness or disease that crushed you or a loved one. Think of a dream or goal that you can’t seem to attain no matter what you do.

Think of a dream or goal you can't seem to attain no matter what you do. #dream, #goal Share on X

A Crisis in Life

Yes, Lord, “Set me free from my prison.” Perhaps a crisis has gone on and on, and you wonder if it will ever end. A friend told me on the phone, “I don’t think the Coronavirus will ever end.” I’ve heard people comment on television that the virus is here to stay. Maybe it is, but maybe it isn’t.

After my cry to God, a cousin called to see how I was after the earthquake. I had opened my eyes a few minutes before the tremors from the earthquake and thought nothing of it. I was half-asleep. My eyes were at half-mast. I didn’t know what happened, and that the earthquake was felt all the way up to DC. “Earthquakes don’t happen here. They occur in California.” We both agreed it was strange weather. “Oh, well. I’m still here, and so is my house.”

Internal Link to a Related Article:

What Do You Do When You Feel Crushed?

External Link to a Related Article:

God’s Sheepdogs: Goodness and Mercy


I realized God is my right hand. He is concerned about me, and so is my virtual home group, and my cousin who called me. The Lord is my refuge who cares for my life. I sensed only one way to end my day, and that was in praise to the Lord “because of His goodness to me” (Psalm 142:7d).

The Lord is at my right. God is my refuge. I will praise Him because of His goodness to me. #Lord, #God-my-refuge, #praiseGod, #goodness-of-God Share on X


God, sometimes I wonder about your mercy. Help me believe you watch over me. Rescue me not only from those who pursue me, but also from my prison of doubts and fears. Thank you in advance that you have set me free from that prison because of your goodness to me. Amen.

Next Step

What will you tell God this week about His goodness to you?

Copyright © by Yvonne Ortega August 10, 2020

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