The Feisty Trio

The feisty trio sat together at lunch and laughed as we compared experiences on our physical therapy journey and discussed other topics.

The Feisty Trio On Getting in and out of a Vehicle

Tall, slender Maggie described how she scrunched and moved the passenger car seat back as far as possible to get into the small cars of friends who took her to physical therapy when she couldn’t drive.

Petite and slender, I, Yvonne, had drivers who boosted me into their full-size vans. I giggled as I mentioned the day I let my driver borrow my mini step stool to get me in and out of his van.

Tracey’s circumstances differed. Her husband drove her to appointments. Afterward, they would do their grocery shopping, and she rode a self-propelled wheelchair.

The Feisty Trio on Handling Carbs and Fats

I laughed as I watched how each of the three of us ordered and how we modified the order before eating. Thin Maggie removed most of the mayonnaise from her sandwich and avoided the complimentary paper-thin tortilla chips Tracey got. Maggie did taste one or two.

Tracey ate her chicken sandwich and chips but saved room for dinner. I ate salmon and rice with the tortilla chips. That was my dinner. I planned to have a protein drink in the evening.

The Feisty Trio on Residency Choices

We talked about choices we face as we get older. Do we stay home as long as possible at our own expense? With her nursing background, Tracey had plenty to say.

What about independent living to have first choice for assisted living if we need it later? What happens if an opening for assisted living never comes up in that facility, and we have to move elsewhere?

Three friends discuss several topics including #independent living, #assisted living, and #inflation. Share on X

First, we’ve lost our investment where we were. Secondly, with rate increases to keep up with inflation, we would go in at the going rate. “That’s enough to give me indigestion,” I said. “I’ll pray that I go from my earthly home straight to my eternal one.” I reflected on the subject and said, “I could also pray for the rapture” (See Matthew 24:30-31; 1 Corinthians 15:50-55; and 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18).

On Towels

Somehow we switched to a discussion on hand towels or dish towels. “I want towels that will absorb water not just look pretty,” Tracey said.

Maggie had replaced everything when she and her husband had the kitchen remodeled. She didn’t need towels.

“If a towel only looks pretty,” I said, “I don’t want it. I can stand by and look pretty for free.”

The Feisty Trio on Dating

On to the next topic. Tracey asked, “Are either one of you interested in dating?” Maggie raised her brows. “I’m still doing paperwork from my husband’s passing.”

“The widowers are lonely, and my husband meets with them every two weeks for breakfast,” Tracey said.

“Then we need to meet at least once every three weeks for lunch,” I said. “And I appoint you, Tracey, our event planner.”

Maggie agreed with me, and we laughed. “If you forget, I’ll remind you.”

On Waiting in Line

The feisty trio moved on to our dislike of waiting in line. My brow furrowed. “Every time I get in a short line, the person forgets an item and goes back for it or a question arises about the cost of the merchandise.” I thought about that for a few seconds. “Maybe I should get in a long line and see what happens.”

Maggie and Tracey laughed. “Maybe the same thing would happen, and you’d wait even longer,” Maggie said.

“On that note, I’ll leave for my massage and relax,” I said. “Remember, Tracey, the feisty trio meets for lunch in two or three weeks. We need fun and fellowship.”

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God, I want to have fun, friends, and fellowship. Help me see the positive side of things or at least laugh about them. Thank you in advance for answering my prayer. Amen.

Copyright by Yvonne Ortega September 11, 2024

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