Their Angel Daughter in the Hospital

Their angel daughter had been in the hospital all weekend with the family at her side. They were sleep-deprived, and the doctor knew that. “Go home and get some rest,” he said. “I gave her some medicine. She’ll sleep now,” he added.

The husband and wife, their younger daughter, her boyfriend, her sister’s boyfriend, and the maternal  grandparents nodded. Thoughts of a shower and shampoo, a bed, and rest sounded refreshing. The  grandparents returned to their home, and the others returned to the parents’ home.

The Angel Daughter’s Update

They barely pulled into the driveway, when their cellphone rang. “Get back to the hospital as soon as you can,” the doctor of their angel daughter said. “She’s taken a turn for the worse.”

What happened? What could it be?

They returned to the hospital in record time and raced down the hall with their hearts pounding. The doctor met them with his head down and a somber look. It was too late. She had passed away.

Regret pierced every cell in their bodies. What could they have done differently? It was their fault. Why didn’t they notice how sick she was?

Those lies came from the pit of hell. They had done everything they could for their angel daughter, and they knew it.

Their Daughter Ms. Hallmark on Steroids

The perennial optimist, their daughter never gave up on anything. She loved life, holidays, and celebrations. She delighted in memory-making of every occasion: cards, placemats, and banners. Her techie skills brought her joy as she made templates for her mother to use each month in her work.

The mother pointed to a pile of wrapped candy their angel daughter purchased to hand out to the neighborhood children. She had regular candy, sugar-free candy, and alternate goodies for those who couldn’t tolerate any kind of sweets. She was Ms. Hallmark on steroids.

Their Daughter Always in Their Hearts

“She will always be in our hearts. Nothing will ever take her away from that spot,” the parents and grandparents said. The others nodded. How could they forget her? They pointed to gifts she had purchased for them to make their lives better, such as an air cleaner for the mother who couldn’t stand the smell of food cooking.

They remembered a bag of snacks she had packed for the family on their trip to a paternal family reunion and the fun they had.

Their Daughter Now with Heaven’s Angels

“Our angel is now pain-free, allergy-free, and in heaven. Even so, we miss her and wish we could have her back.”

“One day we’ll join her in heaven. It can’t come soon enough.”

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God, thank you that you will take good care of their angel daughter. What a great reunion they’ll have when they join her in heaven. Meanwhile, comfort the family, friends, and coworkers through the grief process however long it takes. In due season, may they make peace with their daughter’s unexpected death. She would want that for them. Amen.

Copyright by Yvonne Ortega on October 1, 2024.

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