Love One Another As I Have Loved You

Love One Another As I Have Loved You

"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another" (John 17:21 ESV). Jesus spoke these words to his twelve apostles at the Last Supper. As Christians, you and I are to love one another. Christ first...

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3 Lessons from Jennifer Rothschild for Women

3 Lessons from Jennifer Rothschild for Women

3 Lessons from Jennifer Rothschild for Women Three lessons from Jennifer Rothschild for women come from her life experience. Since I’m not physically blind, I asked myself what lessons I could learn from her. Perhaps you're not blind either and asked the same...

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Remember Our Schools

Remember Our Schools

Remember our schools. Children, grandchildren, and community kids fill them. So do teachers, aides, and other personnel. We love them.

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